What’s the difference between the minimum wage and an ethical wage? The minimum wage varies from country to country and there is no global standard.
An ethical wage also varies from country to country but there is a global standard.
The minimum wage does not necessarily cover the bare essential living expenses.
An ethical wage does cover all bare essential living expenses. It's a living wage that allows for a certain standard of life.
The minimum wage doesn't always include healthcare, superannuation or sick leave in every country.
An ethical wage does include healthcare, superannuation and sick leave.
The minimum wage is not a choice. It is dictated by the country that you pay wages in.
An ethical wage is a choice. You can choose to pay someone ethically no matter where you hire them from.
I’ll repeat that. Paying an ethical wage is a choice. You can choose to do the right thing.
If you want to learn more about equality, ethical wages and building an ethical supply chain, you'll love my Sustainable Business Strategy Online Masterclass Course. It's packed with sustainable business strategies, profit and purpose plans, business basics tools and success frameworks specifically designed for sustainable fashion businesses, ethical fashion labels and purpose-driven fashion brands.
Claire x