You need strong branding for your ethical or sustainable fashion brand.

There’s a big difference between branding and marketing and you can’t have one without the other, especially if you’re running a sustainable or ethical fashion brand.

Now more than ever, consumers want to support fashion labels that have a strong purpose, an identifiable brand and a mission to make the world a better place. Our clothes can’t just be ‘fashion for fashion’s sake’ anymore. Fashion has to solve a real problem, fulfil a real need and add value to the fashion industry ecosystem.

And to stand out in that ecosystem, you have to have a strong brand.

When you don’t have a strong brand, you won’t make the sales you need to make to survive long term. If your brand is wishy-washy and inconsistent, your sales will go up and down, instead of always going up. If you don’t have a clear brand vision, you’re not going to achieve the reach you need with your marketing efforts to grow.

So how do you get really clear on your brand? You go all the way back to the beginning and you start with your ‘why’. You need to sit down and work out why you’re in business. You need to spend some time getting clear on why you sell what you sell. You need to be able to clearly and succinctly explain how you’re making the world a better place and why you’re selling what you’re selling.

You also need to create a persona for your fashion brand. Think of branding as your business’s personality. Are you a funny brand or a serious brand? What kind of packaging do you use? Do you use a subdued pastel palette or do you use bold and bright colours?

Your brand also includes visual elements like your logo, your website design, and fonts, and it also includes the personality traits of your business like your mission, tone of voice and the language you use.

And why is it so important to be clear on these things? Because you can’t market your fashion brand if you don’t actually have a brand. Your brand isn’t your products. Your brand isn’t what you sell. Your brand is the persona, the being. Your brand is a distinct identity specific to you and your business, and when you have a clear brand and a strong branding vision – strangers become customers and customers become repeat buyers and repeat buyers become advocates. In a nutshell, you sell more, and a lot easier too.

If you’re new to marketing and branding and you want to upskill so you can learn how to sell more of your ethical or sustainable fashion products, you’ll love my Business Marketing Blueprint Online Marketing Course. I cover everything from Instagram to EDM’s, and of course, marketing and branding.

Claire x

The Fashion Advocate ethical sustainable circular fashion mentor Australia women in business online marketing course how to scale brand

The Fashion Advocate ethical sustainable circular slow fashion business strategy mentor online course marketing how to

I spent my first five years in business stressed and in debt.

If you're feeling overwhelmed, stressed, or if you're not making enough sales to survive, you're not alone. I've been there.

I was exhausted and I wanted to quit.

Then I worked out a strategy that dramatically changed my business, increased my sales, and saved me time. I want to share it with you!


Want to know the top three ways to grow a successful and sustainable fashion brand?


    Every week on Instagram, you can ask me anything about fashion, business, ethical manufacturing, sustainability, and growth to get the answers you need to overcome challenges. Marketing, PR, your strategy, sales, how to wholesale, Instagram engagement, customers, sourcing... Whatever it is, ask me your questions and I'll go LIVE on Instagram with the answers you need to move forward.



    To build a successful, sustainable and profitable fashion business, you have to empower yourself with knowledge and learn from others in the industry. I ran one of the largest online stores for ethical and sustainable fashion for over a decade, and I learned the ins and outs and the rights and wrongs of building a business. Now I'm sharing my strategies on my blog so you can take what you need to grow!



    The only difference between a big fashion business and a small fashion business is a different skillset. Everything your competitors know - you can learn. My online courses and masterclasses are specifically designed for ethical and sustainable fashion brands, labels and businesses, so you can build your skillset, level up, fast-track your success and increase your impact.