I’ve been called a workaholic in the past but now I’m the opposite. I work 2 days (tops) a week and I really love what I do. It is true what they say… When you love what you do, you never work a day in your life.
So does work-life balance exist? Yes, it does, because it's a choice.
I’m not stressed by my work. I’m not overwhelmed with my to-do list. I earn enough. Side note, if you haven’t thought about it lately, what does ‘enough’ mean to you? I clock on when I want and clock off when I need to. My inbox isn’t an overflowing mess. I get to pick and choose the beautiful clients I work with because we align - not because I’m desperate for the money. Things flow and move in the right direction and I don’t agonise over what I’m doing next to survive.
Things feel really right. But don’t be fooled, they haven’t always.
Five years ago, I was a mess in business. I was so stressed and stretched and overwhelmed that my body started to shut down. When I was laying on a bed with a heart monitor attached to me looking at stark white hospital walls wondering WTF was happening to my body, I realised it was stress, and I realised I had to change things.
So I did.
I changed a lot. My work. My strategy. The way I approached every little thing in business. I overhauled the way I worked and I started working smarter - not harder.
And it changed my life.
Want to know what I did? I created a better strategy for myself, and now I'm sharing it so I can help you too. Running a slow fashion business should bring you joy, not stress, and I want you show you that it is possible to make enough, have enough, do enough, run a business you love, and enjoy life while you're at it.
Claire x