This is the controversial way to increase your sustainable fashion business sales.

I've worked with hundreds of fashion businesses, big and small, and nine times out of ten, they come to me with the same question... How do I increase my sales?

It's the most common question I get and it's my favourite question to answer because it's actually super simple. It doesn't matter whether I'm working with a sustainable fashion label, a circular renting business, an ethical fashion company, or a purpose-driven fashion brand, there is a tried and tested method that works every time to increase sales.

I hear you, 'Stop blabbing and just give me the secret already', but the thing is, it's not a secret, it's science. It's also not a quick solution and it's not something you do once and don't have to do again. Controversial I know. Every other consultant, mentor and online course promises magic solutions and super fast results without lifting a finger and I'm over here telling you this might take you a little time and you might just have to put some elbow grease in.

The thing is though, it's not as hard you might think it is, and I know because I've done it for my own business.

My first five years of business were intense, in a bad way. I was broke, I was stressed, I was chasing my tail, and it just wasn't working. I was making sales here and there and I was growing my brand name, but I wasn't doing enough of the right things to pay my rent. 

I was paying out $4500 in wages a month for my multiple staff. I was paying for office rent in the middle of Melbourne. I was paying for all the normal business operational expenses. I was covering what I needed to cover in the business, except for the single most important thing – my own wage.

I couldn’t afford the things I needed for mental and physical wellness like a gym membership, doctor appointments, reiki, psychologists or osteopath sessions – which I so desperately needed because I was so stressed and run down that my whole body hurt.

That was my ‘business rock bottom’ and it was the same time the doctors told me that my heart palpitations, fatigue, chronic headaches and all my back problems – were a result of extreme stress.

And at that intersection in my life, instead of doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result, I changed things.

I started my journey into personal development and dug into my relationship with money. I set fierce sales goals for my staff. I set boundaries with my time. I started saying no to things that didn’t serve me. I started managing my books and set clear, measurable goals for myself that would move me towards paying myself a wage. I implemented marketing strategies instead of just winging it. And within three months, I was finally paying myself a consistent, weekly wage and I'd turned my entire business around.

With my wage, I could  pay my own rent and I could support myself mentally, physically and emotionally with little luxuries like a gym membership, doctor appointments, reiki, psychologists and osteopath sessions. And because I was supporting my mental, physical and emotional well-being with the appointments I needed, I was more grounded, less stressed, more focused and more productive.

And because I was more grounded, less stressed, more focused and more productive, I could run a better, more profitable business, and because I started working smarter, not harder, I started to make more money too - a lot more money.

One of the pieces of the puzzle that I put together to dramatically change my health and my business, was implementing a serious marketing strategy. I was winging it before, but with my new strategy, I was unstoppable, and in the next five years from that point onwards, my profit increased every year and I made over half a million dollars. 

Long story short, if you really want to know how to increase your fashion business sales, the first step is to step back and look at yourself and check in with how you're feeling. Get honest with yourself. The next step is to implement a killer marketing strategy

If you're in a sales slump, let me show you how to work towards a better, healthier business, and a better, healthier version of yourself too with my Business Marketing Blueprint Online Masterclass Course.

Claire x

Claire Goldsworthy The Fashion Advocate sustainable fashion expert mentor ethical fashion business strategy marketing plan

The Fashion Advocate ethical sustainable circular slow fashion business strategy mentor online course marketing how to

I spent my first five years in business stressed and in debt.

If you're feeling overwhelmed, stressed, or if you're not making enough sales to survive, you're not alone. I've been there.

I was exhausted and I wanted to quit.

Then I worked out a strategy that dramatically changed my business, increased my sales, and saved me time. I want to share it with you!


Want to know the top three ways to grow a successful and sustainable fashion brand?


    Every week on Instagram, you can ask me anything about fashion, business, ethical manufacturing, sustainability, and growth to get the answers you need to overcome challenges. Marketing, PR, your strategy, sales, how to wholesale, Instagram engagement, customers, sourcing... Whatever it is, ask me your questions and I'll go LIVE on Instagram with the answers you need to move forward.



    To build a successful, sustainable and profitable fashion business, you have to empower yourself with knowledge and learn from others in the industry. I ran one of the largest online stores for ethical and sustainable fashion for over a decade, and I learned the ins and outs and the rights and wrongs of building a business. Now I'm sharing my strategies on my blog so you can take what you need to grow!



    The only difference between a big fashion business and a small fashion business is a different skillset. Everything your competitors know - you can learn. My online courses and masterclasses are specifically designed for ethical and sustainable fashion brands, labels and businesses, so you can build your skillset, level up, fast-track your success and increase your impact.