35% of ocean micro-plastic pollution is created by the fashion and textile industry. How is that possible? I’ll tell you how.
Around 70% of all fashion is now made with polyester and other synthetic fabrics like nylon, Lycra and spandex.
That’s two-thirds, and two-thirds too much.
So what’s the big deal and how does it get into the ocean?
Every time synthetic fabrics are washed, they shed tiny tiny fibres, and those fibres are called plastic micro particles. Yep, polyester is made from petroleum, and it’s literally just a softer version of that Tupperware container you have in your kitchen cupboard.
Polyester is plastic. Nylon is plastic. Spandex is plastic. Acetate is plastic. Neoprene is plastic. Elastane is plastic. Acrylic is plastic. Lycra is plastic.
Every time you buy (or make) synthetic clothing, you’re contributing to a really big problem.
So what’s the solution? Avoid synthetic fabrics. Don’t wear them, don’t use them, don’t buy them, don’t wash them, don’t make clothes with them.
If you’re running an ethical, sustainable, circular or slow fashion brand and you’re using synthetics, you can’t really call yourself a sustainable or slow fashion brand.
BUT! You can make changes. You can change the fabrics you use and create a better, more sustainable brand. Reach out to me if you need help doing that!
Claire x