I feel you. If you’ve got 51 million things to do and for what ever reason your schedule changed today and the wheels fell off - I feel you.
If you’re running a slow fashion business and juggling a family, I feel you.
If you’re running a slow fashion business and you don’t have a family but you’re juggling another job and a bundle of life things - I feel you.
Sometimes life doesn’t go according to plan.
Sometimes your days don’t go according to plan.
Sometimes your babies get sick the second you’re meant to start back at work after holidays.
Sometimes both of your babies wake at equal intervals overnight so collectively you get two hours sleep and you have to show up the next day and be your best self for other people and life when your eyeballs literally hurt you’re that tired.
Sometimes the wheels just fall off and everything feels a bit chaotic.
If you’re having one of those days - I feel you. I don’t have an immediate solution for you, but, I feel you. I do have an incredible community of slow fashion founders (mothers and not mothers) who can support you too, and it's a community that gets what it's like.
Hang in there. You got this.
Claire x